Benjamin Lovitz
I am an NSF postdoc and Zelevinsky fellow at Northeastern University, working with Harm Derksen.
I study tensors and quantum information theory. Mathematically, this means applied algebraic geometry, representation theory, and combinatorics. Within these areas, I study tensor decompositions and quantum entanglement theory.
selected news
October 2023: New arXiv preprint "A hierarchy of eigencomputations for polynomial optimization on the sphere," which is joint work with Nathaniel Johnston and Aravindan Vijayaraghavan.
September 2023: I gave an educational talk "Theory and applications of tensor decompositions," at the Spectra LGBTQ+ Mathematics conference hosted by Princeton.
July 2023: "Computing linear sections of varieties: quantum entanglement, tensor decompositions and beyond" with Nathaniel Johnston and Aravindan Vijayaraghavan has been accepted to FOCS 2023.
July 2023: At SIAM AG 2023 I am co-organizing a three-part minisymposium "Geometric and algebraic structures in quantum information" with Eliana Duarte and Luke Oeding.
April 2023: "A generalization of Kruskal's theorem on tensor decomposition" with Fedor Petrov has been published in Forum of Mathematics, Sigma.
February 2023: I am giving a talk at QIP 2023 on "A complete hierarchy of linear systems for certifying quantum entanglement of subspaces," which is joint work with Nathaniel Johnston and Aravindan Vijayaraghavan.
January 2023: At JMM 2023 I am co-organizing a special session "Applications of tensors in computer science" with Harm Derksen and Neriman Tokcan.
September 2022: I moved to Boston for an NSF postdoc and Zelevinsky fellowship at Northeastern University. I'll be working under the mentorship of Harm Derksen.
June 2022: I defended my PhD thesis "Tensors: entanglement, geometry, and combinatorics" at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), University of Waterloo. So thankful to my outstanding advisors William Slofstra and John Watrous.
March 2022: I am giving a talk at QIP 2022 on "New techniques for bounding stabilizer rank," which is joint work with Vincent Steffan.
September 2021: I was awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (international competition)!
August 2018: I defended my Master's thesis "Practical quantum fingerprinting and appointment scheduling" at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), University of Waterloo. Thank you Norbert Lütkenhaus for your incredible mentorship!
September 2015: I started graduate school at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), University of Waterloo.
June 2015: I graduated from Bates College with a BA double degree in Math and Physics (Honours), Magna Cum Laude.